
Create a new custom syntax

1. Make a transformer

Create a function that takes the original unicode source string and returns a new unicode source string.

def unicode_lambdas(source: str) -> str:
    """Convert unicode lambdas into regular lambdas."""
    return source.replace("λ", "lambda ")
  1. Put that function in a module named It may be in a package.

Use a custom syntax

  1. Install syntactic.

  2. Install a module that provides a custom syntax plugin.

  3. In the module where you want to use the syntax, put the syntactic coding declaration at the top of the file.

    # coding: syntactic
  4. In the module where you want to use the syntax, import the desired syntax.

    from __syntax__ import unicode_lambdas

If the module is in a package, namespace the import as normal. For example:

from syntactic.examples.__syntax__ import unicode_lambdas
  1. Write code using the custom syntax. The full module should look like this:

    # coding: syntactic
    from __syntax__ import unicode_lambdas
    add_one = λx: x+1
  2. Run the module using the python environment where syntactic is installed. The output should be:


View transformed syntax

View the expanded form of a Python file by using the optional command-line tool.

  1. Ensure Syntactic’s cli extra is installed.
  2. Use python -m syntactic show <filename>.